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Ancient Healing with Ayurveda

Six weeks of support that will last a lifetime

The Ayurvedic Philosophy says that the way you live the first 42 days postpartum, will dictate the next 42 years of your life. You are open to either deep nourishment or depletion. This package is for the first 6 weeks postpartum, when I will nurture you through specially prepared foods, teas, and touch, as well as taking over your household duties. Your only job is to rest, breastfeed, and get to know your baby.  We will create your individual plan of care through 3 Ayurvedic consults with my twin sister, Hannah, who is an Ayurvedic Wellness Counselor.  

Receiving the care of NURTURED MAMAS Ancient Healing with Ayurveda allows deep healing
as a foundation for the journey ahead.


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